Here are just a very few of the Radiantec staff members who make our place work. Their dedication makes all the difference and we would be nowhere without them.

Darryl – Master Plumber,
Sr. sales technician

John – Sr. Sales Tech

Michael – Sr. Sales Tech

Eric – Jr. Sales Tech

Jeremy – Sr. Sales Tech

Isaac – Apprentice Plumber

Dan – Sr. Sales Tech

Dan – General Manager

Dave – Sr. Sales Tech
In 1979, when Radiantec first started to offer radiant heating services, there were only two or three companies to choose from.
But now, you have many choices. It seems that new companies are coming (and going) almost every day. There are many reasons why we are still the best choice.
- RADIANTEC has done tens of thousands of radiant heating jobs.
- We have done residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural projects.
- We have completed heating cooling, and snow melting projects.
- Radiantec has installed tubing in floors, ceilings, walls and driveways.
Aircraft Hangers, Ambulance Ramps, Handicraft Ramps, Nursing Homes, Veterinary Hospitals, Boats, A Japanese Bridge, A Lighthouse, numerous Geodesic Domes and Swedish Yurts, RVs, a Turtle Hatchery and even an Elephant House.
Integrity and Reputation
A company with 40+ years of radiant heat experience accumulates a track record.
You can click on the Better Business logo below and obtain a report,
or we will be pleased to provide you with references.
Early research project For the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Radiantec has received numerous awards and been featured in several National magazines.

Click here to go to a wealth of magazine articles and reports that apply to both solar and non solar radiant heating work.
But solar heating is not for everyone. Nevertheless, all of our customers benefit from knowledge that we gained about alternative energy. Solar radiant heating is much more challenging than other forms of heating. Great attention needs to be paid to efficiency and this knowledge is important today.

Radiantec Company maintains an ongoing program of research and development in order to learn more about radiant heating and to develop new products and applications. This research benefits our customers with better, more efficient and more economical systems.

In our opinion, the application of radiant heating is at a high level, but there is room for improvement. There are and probably always will be questions about the best way to insulate the structure so that the heat that you are paying for is going in the right direction.
There are additional questions about the value of aluminum heat emission plates and how they should be fabricated and how much they should be used.
We are gathering more information about the effects of floor covering on radiant output.
Feel free to consult with our techs about the latest results. In some cases, we will test materials and applications for individuals.
Radiantec installs a number of radiant projects each year in the local area for training purposes. All of our sales techs and advisors have considerable experience installing radiant heat. There is no substitute for this kind of experience.

Radiantec founder and CEO, Robert Starr has a broad scientific and business background.
- Graduated the University of VT with Bachelor of Science.
- US Army Military Service as a Field Medic. Co D 50th Medical Bn.
- Social worker, Nursing Home Administrator, Correctional Counselor
- Principal Investigator of a Research Project for US Department of Energy in Radiant Heat.
- Commercial pilot with Instrument Rating and Instructor Certificates.
- Founder and CEO of Radiantec.