Directions to Our New Facility
You can get to the Lyndonville area by Interstate 91.
Directions from I-91 ~ Exit 23 (Lyndonville Exit)
(Driving from the North):
- Get off I-91 at Exit 23. Take a right at the end of the ramp onto Route 5 South.
- Travel 7/10ths of one mile and take a right onto Industrial Parkway (just after the interstate bridges).
- Proceed 6/10ths of one mile and take a right at the Charles Carter Center.
- Continue 3/10ths of one mile and take right at driveway.
- You will see a pale yellow building with green roof. This is Radiantec Co.
Directions from I-91 ~ Exit 23 (Lyndonville Exit)
(Driving from the South):
- Get off I-91 at Exit 23. Take a left at the end of the ramp onto Route 5 South.
- Travel 7/10ths of one mile and take a right onto Industrial Parkway (just after the interstate bridges).
- Proceed 6/10ths of one mile and take a right at the Charles Carter Center.
- Continue 3/10ths of one mile and take a right at the driveway.
- You will see a pale yellow building with green roof. This is Radiantec Co.
Directions to Our Original Facility



Please note: Visits to our original facility are by appointment only, so that we can make sure to have someone available to meet with you. Please call ahead. This facility is closed on Fridays.
Get off of Interstate 91 at Exit #23 whether you are coming from North or South. If you come from the South, the view at the stop sign at the end of the exit is this. (A)
If you came from the North, turn left at the end of the exit and go under the underpass. You will then be at the same spot as the person who came from the South. Go towards the Motel and turn left onto the “Back Center Road”, directly in front of the Motel.
Reset the trip odometer to 0.0 at this point.
Go in a Northerly direction along the “Back Center Road”. Proceed for 1.3 miles to a “Stop” sign. This is what you will see. (B) Just ahead, there will be a school on the left and a Post Office on the right.
Proceed another .5 miles. You will go under an historic covered bridge (C) and stop just after it. You are at the intersection of Route 122, and this is the view. (D) The odometer reads 1.8 miles.



Go diagonally across the intersection and get on the “Pudding Hill Road”. Go 2.4 miles up the road to the top of Pudding Hill. You might see wild turkey in the fields on the right. There, you will see the Caledonia County Airport. (E) Just ahead of that, you will see a yellow “one room schoolhouse” and a number of small metal buildings for aircraft storage. Go left after the buildings onto Airport Road. Your odometer reads 4.2 miles.
Travel .7 mile on Airport Road to a Tee intersection. The road has changed to gravel. The odometer reads 4.9 and the view is this. (F) Go left onto Old Coach Road.
Proceed downhill .4 mile and go into this driveway (G). There will be a red barn shaped workshop, with a “Radiantec Company” sign. There will be several other buildings
Always watch out for moose when driving in Northern Vermont.
