Radiantec Systems Meet Building Codes

The International Code Council or ICC is the largest and most respected code council in the world. It was created in 2003 when the four major code councils (BOCA,ICBO,SBCCI and ICC) officially combined their operations in order to reduce confusion and to enhance the safety, quality and efficiency of building construction. The new code council ICC, combines all of the knowledge, competencies and experience of the four original code councils. The ICC Model Codes underline most of the building codes in the United States.

The ICC provides an evaluation service (ICC-ESS) in part so that new or improved or more efficient building materials and techniques can be evaluated by highly knowledgeable professionals.

In order to assist customers and building code officials, Radiantec has submitted its innovative design concepts to ICC-ES for their evaluation and determination of compliance.

This report is available here. Customers may download it for free and make it available to any interested code officials. In fairness, we ask that customers not excerpt the report, but provide it in its entirety.

Radiantec radiant heating concepts have been found to meet the requirements of the following bodies:

  • The 2006 International Building Code
  • The 2006 International Residential Code
  • The 2006 International Plumbing Code
  • The 2006 International Mechanical Code
  • The 2006 International Fuel Gas Code
  • The 2006 International Energy Conservation Code

ICC-ES Evaluation Report

ICC Logo - Radiantec systems meet building codesICC-ES is a non-profit corporation that conducts technical evaluations of building products, components,methods, and materials. The evaluation process culminates with the issuance of reports on code compliance. Reports are available free to code officials, contractors, specifiers, architects, engineers, and other interested parties seeking evidence that products and systems meet code requirements.

ICC-ES was created on February 1, 2003, when America’s five building-product evaluation services, National Evaluation Service, Inc.; BOCAI Evaluation Services; ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc.; and SBCCI Public Service Testing and Evaluation Services, Inc. ICC-ES officially combined their operations.

State and Local Codes

In the interests of public health and safety, states and many municipalities have developed their own building code requirements. Although these state and local codes generally follow national and international standards, individual states and municipalities may impose additional or unique requirements. Since it is impossible for a manufacturer to know the particulars of all state and local codes, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make certain that your proposed heating system complies with them. For this reason Radiantec urges you to consult with the appropriate code officials before purchasing your Radiantec heating system. Radiantec is able to provide you with documentation, including a certificate of compliance where appropriate, and will gladly answer questions from your local code official. Radiantec is willing to help,  but please remember: Only your local code official can approve your plans.

Code Compliance Protects Your Investment

In addition to health and safety considerations, protecting the saleability of your property is another important reason for code compliance. Increasingly, purchasers and mortgage lenders are requiring a building inspection prior to the sale of a property. If this inspection reveals non-compliance with applicable codes, resale value, and in some cases the sale itself, may be jeopardized.

Beyond Compliance

In addition to code compliance, it is also important that the system selected be appropriate to the project, be constructed using the proper materials and that the work be performed in a proper manner.

Please call or e-mail us if we can provide additional information or clarification.

Are you having problems with your code official?

Radiantec will supply you with a letter on our stationary along with supporting documentation to help you.