Installation Manuals – Our radiant heating installation manuals are written in easy to understand language with pictures and diagrams. They are designed to help the do-it-yourselfer (DIY), heating professional, or “reasonably competent handyperson” install radiant heating systems with confidence and excellent results. The manual and the supplements are free. You have the option of having them mailed to you or downloading them in PDF files.
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Design and Construction Manual
If you are new to radiant heat, our Design and Construction Manual is a “Must Read!” This manual provides a wealth of general information about radiant heat. Slab insulation methods, calculating heat loss, tubing options, system options and much more, all written in easy to understand language for the homeowner with pictures and diagrams.
Instructions for installing the Open Direct System. The direct system uses one highly efficient water heater to provide hot water for space heating and domestic use. Step by step instructions with photographs of all the components.
A closed system uses a designated domestic water heater or boiler to make the hot water for radiant heat. Step by step instructions with photographs of all the components.
Instructions for installing the Indirect System. An indirect system uses one highly efficient domestic water heater to provide hot water for space heating and domestic use; unlike the direct system, however, the domestic water and heating fluid are separated with a heat exchanger.
Instructions for installing tubing for a concrete slab. Installing tubing in concrete is one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to install radiant heat. You will also want to refer to the Design and Construction Manual for slab insulation methods.
Instructions for installing tubing between the floor joists. If you have access to your floor joists from below then you can install radiant heat. This manual shows you how!
Installing Tubing On Top of your Floor
Instructions for installing tubing on top of your floor. If you are a competent do-it-yourselfer and don’t mind working with power tools then you can install a highly efficient radiant heating system on top of your existing floor when you don’t have access to the joists from below. This manual shows you what to do.
Installing Tubing in the Ceiling
Instructions for installing tubing in the ceiling. This used to be a very common method for installing radiant heat. This is an excellent way to add comfort to any space if you don’t have access to the floor. This also works as a good supplement if the floor heat cannot entirely heat an area.
Installing Tubing in the walls
Instructions for installing tubing in the walls. Another good way to increase the comfort level of any space. This also works as a good supplement if the floor heat cannot entirely heat an area.
Installing a Heated Towel Rack
Instructions for installing a heated towel rack. Nothing beats a luxuriously warm towel when getting out of the shower; this supplement shows you how to make it happen!
Installing the Polaris Water Heater
Instructions for installing the Polaris Water Heater. The Polaris Water Heater is a very sophisticated unit and it is critical that the manufacturer’s instructions be followed implicitly. Please be advised, though, that you need to follow Radiantec’s plumbing diagrams when connecting your system to the Polaris.
Instructions for installing Radiantec Controls.
Wiring diagrams for all controls, thermostats and temperature sensing devices. Please note that this manual is usually a good guideline for your electrician to follow.
Ideas for doing your own tubing layout
Ideas for doing your own tubing layout. This supplement takes the worry out of how do you layout the tubing. Create your own tubing pattern using this supplement.
Radiantec Basic Solar Domestic Water Heater Installation Manual.
The “Radiantec Basic Solar Domestic Water Heater” is a pre engineered “packaged” residential solar water heater that will provide abundant quantities of domestic hot water for a typical residential family. It can also serve as a point of departure for more versatile solar energy systems that will also provide underfloor radiant heat, snow melting, pool heating and solar assisted gardening. This system is designed to meet the requirements of various tax credit authorities.
Radiantec Basic Solar Domestic Water Heater Owners Manual.
This manual walks you through routine maintenance procedures for the Radiantec Basic Solar Domestic Water Heater.